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In the first half of 2021, tractor output continued to grow, and the pace of industry transformation and upgrading accelerated

According to relevant data, the added value of my country's machinery industry in 2020 will increase by 6% year-on-year, which is 3.2 and 2.6 percentage points higher than that of the national industry and manufacturing industry in the same period; the operating income will be 22.85 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.49%; the total profit will be 1.46 trillion yuan, A year-on-year increase of 10.4%.

Positive progress has been made in the subsidy work for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery in 2020

Editor's note: In 2020, after the three departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce issued the new "Guiding Opinions on the Implementation of Subsidies for the Scrap and Renewal of Agricultural Machinery", provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning, Xinjiang Construction Corps, Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation, Guangdong Agricultural reclamation has formulated an implementation plan, and provinces (cities) such as Hebei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Gansu, and Qingdao have taken multiple measures to promote the work. In 2021, all localities should further increase subsidies for the scrapped and updated agricultural machinery, strengthen the supervision of the dismantling and destruction of recycled agricultural machinery, and strictly prohibit the return of scrapped machinery to the market.

The "National IV" standard for agricultural machinery will be implemented by the end of 2022

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has officially approved the release of the national environmental protection standard "Technical Requirements for Pollutant Emission Control of Non-Road Diesel Mobile Machinery (Release Draft)". This standard specifies the technical requirements for the emission control of pollutants from the fourth-stage non-road diesel mobile machinery and the diesel engines it is equipped with. The standard points out that from December 1, 2022, all production, import and sales of non-road mobile machinery below 560 kW (including 560 kW) and the diesel engines installed should meet the requirements of this standard. The implementation time of the fourth phase of the non-road mobile machinery above 560 kilowatts and the diesel engines installed therein will be announced separately.

Two Luoyang projects were selected for the 2019 Agricultural Machinery Science and Technology Award

Recently, the 2019 Agricultural Machinery Science and Technology Award was officially awarded. Two projects in our city were selected and won the first and second prizes.

Luoyang agricultural machinery industry should be at the forefront of the country

Interview with Hong Sianguo, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association Hong Sianguo, vice chairman and secretary-general of China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association, believes that Henan is China's largest agricultural province and the largest production province. To make a difference in the development of agricultural machinery industry, Luoyang agricultural machinery industry should be at the forefront of the country.

Luoyang Gelangsi Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Luoyang Gelangsi Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Luoyang, the industrial base of the ancient capital of nine dynasties. It is a professional manufacturer of modern agricultural machinery in the central and western regions of my country. The main products are Glance 300/304/350/354/400/404/450/454/550/554/600/604/704/804 series of direct-connected medium and Glance-1000/1004/1100/1104 /1200/1204/130/1304/1404/1504/1604/1804/2004/2104/2204 and other large wheeled tractors, the products are sold to Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Hebei , Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin and more than 20 provinces and regions; at the same time, it is exported to Myanmar, Thailand, Mongolia, West Asia and Africa and other markets.

Luoyang Gelangsi Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Luoyang Gelangsi Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Luoyang, the industrial base of the ancient capital of nine dynasties. It is a professional manufacturer of modern agricultural machinery in the central and western regions of my country. The main products are Glance 300/304/350/354/400/404/450/454/550/554/600/604/704/804 series of direct-connected medium and Glance-1000/1004/1100/1104 /1200/1204/130/1304/1404/1504/1604/1804/2004/2104/2204 and other large wheeled tractors, the products are sold to Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Hebei , Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin and more than 20 provinces and regions; at the same time, it is exported to Myanmar, Thailand, Mongolia, West Asia and Africa and other markets.


近日,洛阳格朗斯机械制造有限公司精心设计、装配精良的1504拖拉机改进升级,该产品一经亮相就获得了各地经销商和农民朋友的夸奖和喜爱。“格朗斯”1504大马力拖拉机升级上市受到用户青睐和追捧那么天宇1504拖拉机又有哪些特点获得如此高的好评呢?只见它外观实现流线型设计,可谓身材完美、霸气外露!  驾驶室内空调、风扇、倒车影像、音响等一应俱全,机手们终于可以开着空调、听着歌作业了,尤其是90后农机手对它更是爱不释手!  还有呢,该机座椅可调,配备豪华方向盘,坐上去倍儿有范儿,倍爽,作业起来更带劲!  最最最重要的是该款拖拉机核心零部件均采购于国内知名生产厂家,真正做到内在优良、外形时尚!农民朋友们用着舒心、开着放心,挣钱更开心!




近年来,国家有关部门高度重视并积极采取措施发展农业(农机)大数据和智慧农机装备。一是明确发展重点。2015年12月,我部印发了《关于推进农业农村大数据发展的实施意见》,明确提出“发展农机应用大数据,加强农机配置优化、工况检测、作业种植面积、生产进度、农产品产量的关联检测能力”。2016年4月,我部联合发展改革委等八部委联合印发了《“互联网+”现代农业三年行动实施方案》,要求各地积极开展农机定位耕种等精准化作业,加大国产导航技术和智能农机装备的应用,提高种、肥、药精准使用及一体化作业水平,显著提高农机作业质量和效率。  二是加大政策支持。我部联合工业和信息化部、发展改革委印发了《农机装备发展行动方案(2016—2025)》,重点倾斜支持12类主机产品和10类关键零部件,其中包含“农业机械导航与智能化控制作业装置”。各级农机化主管部门积极将智慧农机产品及农用北斗终端纳入农机购置补贴政策支持范围。“十三五”期间在农业信息技术、现代农业装备学科群增补了22个农业农村部重点实验室,加强了农作物系统分析与决策、农业物联网装备等方向的研究力量,累计投入中央财政资金1.05亿元开展条件能力建设,有效提升了农业信息化与智慧农机领域的科研基础设施条件和协同创新能力。  三是加快集成示范。通过各类示范项目,试验推广了拖拉机自动驾驶、收割机精准测亩测产、机插秧自动驾驶、无人机精量施药、深松作业质量远程监控等智慧农机装备技术。2017年以来,我部已批复建设了10个大田种植数字农业项目,旨在不同区域、不同作物探索构建农机精准作业系统、“天空地”一体化大田农情监测系统、农业生产精准管理决策系统和农业高效生产公共服务系统,促进农机大数据、智慧农机融合应用,形成可推广复制的大田种植数字农业生产模式。  四是搭建信息平台。近年来,我部不断加大全国农机作业信息动态监测与服务平台建设和使用力度,目前平台功能已日趋完备,可实现农机服务供需数据点对点对接、深松整地等农机作业环节实时数据采集分析和监控。各地农机化主管部门也积极通过信息平台及手机APP,发布农机作业服务、天气交通、维修网点等实用信息,引导开展精准便捷服务。2017、2018年“三夏”期间,各地通过信息平台发布作业服务意向均超1亿亩。  发展农机大数据和智慧农机装备是我国农业机械化和农机产业转型升级的重要方向。在推进农业生产全程机械化的同时,通过信息技术装备实现农业生产经营管理数字化、信息化、智能化,对提高农业发展质量效益、建设现代农业具有重大意义。
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